Saturday, January 25, 2020
Quantitative research
Quantitative research Introduction (150) Quantitative research is the investigation of phenomena that give themselves to exact measurement and quantification, which attached a rigorous and controlled design (Polit Beck 2008). Its has main purpose is to measure concept or variables objectively in numerical and statistical process, also relationship between variables (Parahoo 2006). The research methods are obtained from research design and generally include sample, intervention (if applicable), instruments, data collection, and data analysis (eds. Joyce Meredith 2006). In many instances, the quantitative research needs such as questionnaires or interview, computers and large sample sizes. This article is to explore of a quantitative research by Kalij and William (2009) the view of its data objectivity, sample size and selection, process data collection, data presentation and analysis, using the relevant references to support this discussion. The objectives are to prove with evidences if the Khalij and Williams study (2009) fulfills the requirements of quantitative research. Objectivity (150) Objectivity is amount of involvement of the researcher relates during the collection and analysis of the data (Marcella n.d.a). Polit and Beck (2008) argued objectivity meant researcher tend to stay away any impression of subjectivity or impersonal during study process. Parahoo (2006) explained the data which collected and analyzed are expected to be free from bias between researcher and participants. It means the researcher is detached or does not active participate from practice and there is no intervention between researcher and participant. Also the participants use the same actual measurements for data collection. Further the bias of research can be minimized and the objectivity of the study can be maximized. In The Kalish and Williams study (2009) showed that they did not participate and used measurements to collect the data. It showed in their study that during data collection, they involved staff nurses in four hospitals and used psychometric testing tool. Hard data (148) Hard data is characteristic of quantitative study. Polit and Beck (2008) said that quantitative data are the information obtained during process of study course in a quantified (numeric value). (Janet Houser 2008) argued the other numerical data specific patients symptoms put in rank order the scales which contained intervals, comparisons between subjects. Other instance the researchers with rigorously designed tools should be able to grasp the reality (Parahoo 2006). For example scale of depression and pain in numeric value. That means the data can be measured and quantified in some way. In the nursing practice we always face with the hard data. For instance are physical (height, weight, gender), physiological (vital signs, laboratory results, visual acuity), past medical histories, psychological and social or behavior. This data are shown in Kalish and Williams study (2009) during their study while collected data: sample size, genders, experience, education degree, and work location in quantified data. Statistic (142) Statistic is very important aspect in the quantitative research. After data are collected can be analyzed using statistic and presented in numerical form. Polit and Beck (2008) said that statistic is an estimate of a parameter, calculated from sample data. They emphasized statistics are used to test hypotheses and evaluate the believability of the finding. Researchers usually use statistical computer to expedite calculation and ensure accuracy (ed. Joyce and Meredith 2006). They mentioned statistic methods are used in every process include in the final report to search the correlations, comparisons of means, trend and significance of finding to refute hypothesis. Its reinforce that statistic is one of characteristic in quantitative research. Its applied in Kalishs study process while selecting data sampling and analyzing data which showed in the tables and the data was analyzed by statistical computer, descriptive statistic and inferential statistic. Sample selection (269) Janet Holt (2009, p. 235) said that sampling is the process to select a small group of participant for study with the goal of making generalization from large population based on findings. Polit and Beck (2008) argued that sampling is the process of selecting portion of the population to represent from the entire population element. There are differentiation ways in sample selection; sampling designs, sample size and sampling steps. Polit and Beck (2008) mentioned that there are two sampling designs; probability sampling and non probability sampling. Probability sampling contents; simple random, stratified random, cluster and systemic sampling. The non probability sampling has contents; convenience, quota and purposive sampling. Janet Houser (2008) explained sample size in quantitative research to determine sample in adequacy is power. Its an analysis to indicate the large of sample which needed to adequately detect a difference in result variable. Polit and Beck (2008) suggested the steps in this research sampling as follow; the population identify, the specific eligibility criteria, the specific sampling plan and sample recruitment. They emphasized researcher during sample recruitment to gain the participant cooperation use means of courtesy, persistence, incentives, research benefits, sharing results, convenience, and endorsement. This study sample collection was implemented in the kalishstudy. They used random sampling to collect the participant data from four hospitals in different unit. The study used N symbol which designed for the total number, and n symbol is designed for number of subject. They took large sample size with total samples (N=1098). They applied ratio of sample size during sample collection. They gained the participant cooperation which provided incentives (jumbo-sized candy and bar a pizza party). Data collection (285) Parahoo (2006) said data collection is methods to measure the data sampling which utilized the instrument tools: questionnaires, observation schedule and other measuring tools. He emphasized that the methods should be predetermined, structured and standardized. Polit and Beck (2003) developed data collection plan include identifying data needs, selecting types of measures, selecting and developing instruments, pre testing the data collection package, and developing data collection forms and procedures. They stressed Important aspects should be considered while implementing the data collection plans are the selecting research personal and personal and the training data collector. Nancy and Susan (2007) explained data collection is the process of obtaining the subject and collecting the data for the research. They explained five tasks during data collection process: recruiting subjects, maintaining consistency, maintaining controls, protecting study integrity, and solving the problem. Structure, quantifiability, obstrusiveness, and objectivity are important elements when selecting data collection instruments (Marcella n.d.a). We have to understand and maintain the important dimension the data collection methods when applied in the data collection plan, and implementing. The obtained data should be accurate, valid, and meaningful to respond the questions. Kalish and William implemented the data collection process in their study. They applied the approaching methods to maintain the important dimensions in data collection such as a tool of missed nursing care and reason for missed care. The Data collection plan used to identify data needs for instance in the describing sample characteristic of participants (table 2.). They construct the tool in their survey to gain the quantify data. While implementing data collection, they selected research personal is staff nurse experts. The training data collector was done which distributed a copy of tool, informed consent form and a letter explaining the study. Data analysis and presentation (299) Joyce and Meredith (ed. 2006) said data analysis is a systematic method of examining data gathered for any research investigation to support hypothesis. This system implements in the data analysis process: the data analysis preparation, the sample description, reliability of measurement test, exploratory analysis conduction, exploratory analysis, confirmatory analysis and posthoc analysis conduction (Nancy Susan 2007). Parahoo (2006) stated analysis data can be obtained from measurement level, and then analyzed with statistical level. He mentioned two statistic levels those are descriptive statistic and inferential statistic. There are several statistical computer programs (SPSS, SAS, LISREL, EQS, etc) which help the researcher to calculate these test statistics and their sampling distribution (eds. Joyce Meredith 2006). Marcella (n.d.b) explained there are two types of inferential statistics are parametric (t-test, ANOVA, Multiple regressions) and non parametric (Chi-square, Rank Correlation, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis). Quantitative research result may be presented in the tables, charts and graphs (Michael, Patricia Frances, 2007, cited Russell, 2005). In conclusion that data analysis is systemic method of examination data started from data collection which used measurement level then data were analyzed by statistical level and presented in the tables, charts and graphs to support hypothesis. Kalish and Williams study (2009) implemented the data analysis process which utilized measurement level and statistical level which completed using SPSS in their study. First step is checking of data accuracy using ordinal scale. The second is describing sample, they use central tendency and dispersion to test the contrast validity. The third is testing the reliability of measurement, they applied cronbach alpha coefficient. Fourth they conducted exploratory analysis as the extraction technique and varimax as orthogonal rotation method, also analyzed using oblique rotation. Fifth they conducted the confirmatory analysis used AMOS version 16. Last step they used analysis of variance (ANOVA) to conduct posthoc analysis. Result study was presented in the table presentation. Conclusion (118) This essay has tried to explore the Kalish and Williams study (2009) about the development and psychometric testing of a tool to measure missed nursing care. Their study has approached and fulfilled the major requirement of quantitative research characteristics that include objectivity, hard data and statistic. They applied quantitative study process which consists of conceptual, design and planning, empirical, analytic and dissemination phase as suggested by Polit and Beck (2004). They also utilized data analysis process of Nancy and Susan (2008). In general view of Kalish and Williams study (2009) has applied the quantitative research systematically. Improvement progress monitoring was done, but effectiveness overview the tool is still recommended to apply in the base practice for long period. References: 1. Carol L. Macnee Susan Mc. Cabe (2008) Understanding nursing research: using research in evidence-base practice, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott and William a Wolter Kluwer Business. 2. Denise F, Polit Cheryl Tatano Beck (2010) Essentials of nursing research: appraising evidence for nursing practice, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincot William Wilkins. 3. Denise F, Polit Cheryl Tatano Beck (2008) Nursing research: generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice, 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincot William Wilkins. 4. Denise F, Polit Cheryl Tatano Beck (2003) Nursing research: principle and methods, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincot William Wilkins. 5. Kader Parahoo (2006) Nursing research principles, process and issues, 2nd ed. Hamspire: Palgrave Macmillan. 6. Janet Holt (2009) Reading research series quantitative research: an overview, British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, Vol. 4(5), pp. 234-236. 7. Janet Houser (2008) Nursing research: reading, using and creating evidence, Jones and Bartlett Publisher, Sudbury. 8. Joyce J.F. Meredith W. (eds) 2006, Encyclopedia of nursing, 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishing. 9. Marcella Hart (n.d.a) Birthing a research project: data collection, International Journal of Childbirth Education, Vol. 22(3) pp. 27-31. 10. Marcella Hart (n.d.b) Birthing a research project: data analysis, International Journal of Childbirth Education, Vol. 22(4), pp. 24-28. 11. Michael Coughlan, Patricia Cronin Frances Ryan (2007) Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. part 1: quantitative research, British Journal of Nursing, Vol. 16(11), pp. 658-663. 12. Nancy Burns Susan K. Grove (2007) Understanding nursing research: building an evidence-base practice, 4th ed. Missouri, Saunders an Imprint of Elsevier.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Unit 74
Unit 74 ââ¬â Support individuals to live at home Understand the principles of supporting individuals to live at home 1. 1 Describe how being supported at home can benefit an individual There are a few examples of how being supported at home can be beneficial: * More independence * More time spent with loved ones * A greater sense of normality * Able to maintain a little more control over daily routine * Surrounded by own possessions with fond memories etc * No interruptions or noise from other ââ¬Ëpatients or residents' * More likely to get visits from friends and family Some people don't like hospitals etc. 1. 2 Compare the roles of people and agencies who may be needed to support an individual to live at home 1. 3 Explain the importance of providing information about benefits, allowances and financial planning which could support individuals to live at home 1. 4 Explain how Risk-management contributes to supporting individuals to live at home Be able to contribute to plannin g support for living at home 2. 1 Identify with an individual the strengths, skills and existing networks they have that could support them to live at home 2. Identify with an individual their needs that may require additional support and their preferences for how the needs may be met 2. 3 Agree with the individual and others the risks that need to be managed in living at home and ways to address them Be able to work with individuals to secure additional services and facilities to enable them to live at home 3. 1 Support the individual and others to access and understand information about resources, services and facilities available to support the individual to live at home 3. Work with the individuals and others to select resources, services and facilities that will meet the individualââ¬â¢s needs and minimise risks 3. 3 Contribute to completing paperwork to apply for required resources, facilities and services in a way that promotes active participation 3. 4 Obtain permission t o provide additional information about the individual in order to secure resources, services and facilities Be able to work in partnership to introduce additional services for individuals living at home 4. 1 Agree roles and responsibilities for introducing dditional support for an individual to live at home 4. 2 Introduce the individual to new resources, services and facilities or support groups 4. 3 Record and report on the outcomes on additional support measures in required ways Be able to contribute to reviewing support for living at home 5. 1 Work with the individual and others to agree methods and timescales for ongoing review 5. 2 Identify any changes in an individualââ¬â¢s circumstances that may indicate a need to adjust the type or level of support 5. 3 Work with the individual and others to agree revisions to the support provided
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Kaplan Scavenger Hunt Paper Analysis - 1482 Words
Kaplan Scavenger Hunt Paper The Kaplan website offers a wealth of information and helpful tools for nursing students. The videos in the How to Study section offer practical advice for beginning nursing students and those who might be struggling with topics such as, Taking Notes, Studying, Reading Textbooks, Time Management, and Preparing for the Exam. The Remediation by Topic section offers students summaries of topics like Confidentiality, Critical Thinking Skills, and HIPAA. The Focused Review Test section offers an option to create a test to use as a study aid. This paper will give a summary of the topics, Critical Thinking Skills, the NCLEX-RN, and Therapeutic Communication. This paper will also discuss which methods are theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The SQ3R method (survey, questions, read, recite, and review), or the P.O.R.P.E. method (predict, organizing, rehearse, practice, and evaluate) are methods which can help to make reading textbooks more useful. Time Management Nursing students must learn to manage their time effectively to be able to handle the heavy load of coursework, and clinical requirements that they have and they will continue to use those skills once they are practicing as a nurse. Eliminating distractions, setting boundaries, and scheduling are key to time management (Kaplan, n.d.). Time management requires prioritizing tasks, removing distractions, and planning. Using both a master and weekly calendar as well as setting clear boundaries with family and friends are integral to time management. Exam Preparation During exam prep, students should review notes and keywords, and clear up confusing concepts (Kaplan, n.d.). Knowing what kind of test the student is preparing for will help to determine if concepts should be broad or more detailed and focused (Billings, 2007). Students should pay attention to their physical health by eating well and getting regular exercise (Kaplan, n.d.). One of the best ways for students to ensure their mental health and to reduce test taking anxiety is to be over-prepared for the test (Nugent and Vitale, 2016). Management of Care Prioritizing Nursing Care Nurses who care for multiple patients must be able toShow MoreRelatedCase Studies67624 Words à |à 271 PagesCase Studies C-1 INTRODUCTION Preparing an effective case analysis C-3 CASE 1 CASE 2 CASE 3 CASE 4 CASE 5 CASE 6 CASE 7 ABB in China, 1998 C-16 Ansett Airlines and Air New Zealand: A flight to oblivion? C-31 BPââ¬âMobil and the restructuring of the oil refining industry C-44 Compaq in crisis C-67 Gillette and the menââ¬â¢s wet-shaving market C-76 Incat Tasmaniaââ¬â¢s race for international success: Blue Riband strategies C-95 Kiwi Travel International Airlines Ltd C-105 CASE 8 Beefing up the beefless
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Combatting the Issue of Human Trafficking - 1294 Words
Many organizations have formed to establish several resolutions for combating the issue of human trafficking , both locally and nationally. I chose to investigate two existing social awareness campaigns located in Ohio. The reasons I decided to explore these two organizations is because of the obvious, that my classmates and I are in the state of Ohio but overall, it is due to the fact that this state ranks number five in the nation for human trafficking. There are explanations behind the ranking of Ohio for this issue. The first explanation is due to the inner city centers and country counties, which included a big immigrant population. The second explanation is due to five main highways located throughout Ohio. These highways make it convenient for human traffickers (Ohio State Bar Association, 2014). The first campaign is called Second Chance, and it is located in Toledo, Ohio. Second Chances mission statement is To offer supportive services to women and youth af fected by or at risk for involvement in sex trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, as they reclaim lives of choice. To raise community awareness about the issues of sex trafficking and the commercial sexual exploitation of children and to work diligently to end the exploitation and victimization of women and youth. To advocate with women and youth throughout the country to secure and provide resources for treatment and services for victims of sex trafficking and exploitation(SecondShow MoreRelatedThe Prevention Of Human Trafficking969 Words à |à 4 PagesWhat can be doneâ⬠¦ The UNODC breaks down itââ¬â¢s approach to combatting human trafficking in 3 ways: ââ¬Å"[the] preventionà of trafficking in persons, protectionà of victims of human trafficking, prosecutionà of trafficking offenders.â⬠Protection involves identifying victims, providing short-term care for their immediate needs such as ââ¬Å"emergency housing, basic medical assistance, food/clothing, legal services, and translation services for international victimsâ⬠(ASPE), as well long-term empowerment withRead MoreA Brief Note On Criminology And Criminal Justice Essay1696 Words à |à 7 Pagescountries may not report crime because of the effect it will have on the countryââ¬â¢s image or tourism industry (Dammer Albanese, 2011, p. 25). 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